Sunday, March 1, 2009

Benjamin Button TED talk

In the video " Benjamin Button TED talk", the man who shows the video was present how to use technology to make a old man. The beginning, they using the animation to make a old man, At first it was start from the man, and then the get the man's face shape, and using the dot to depict the shape, and then using the computer to draw the face, in the beginning, use the easiest way, like using the face without no eyes, mouth, nose.... and only the face shape, and the face shape was in 2D, which is mean you cannot see the chin, only the surface of the face. After that, in this 3D one(picture), you can not see very clear in that face, like the eyes, nose, mouth, so the is how to make 3D surface of human's face.

And down the second picture, it's 4D, because in this picture, it shows the old man's facial feature, and time was in a part of 4D, too. And in the left one with the right one, and the left one is without background, the right one is with the background, you can see how different between those two, what I think of those two picture was, the picture without background was not like a real old man, most of the people can easy see that this old man was make from computer, but the right one with the background, you will think that old man was really in this world. So you can know how real when you using animation to make a video, or the movie, because it can let the people think how real is that.

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